Signposts Along The Path Of Love

Dearest Beloveds,

These signposts along the Path of Love and Light are being sent to you by the Great Cosmic and Inter-Galactic Masters. Keep these messages close to your heart. They will serve you well in times of darkness. Remember, there is always Light at the end of the tunnel.

Signposts Along the Path of Love & Light

The Great Cosmic and Inter-Galactic Masters
welcome you to the Path of Love

The Path of Love : HERE

We have been expecting you. Rest. Breathe. Be Still. The 3rd dimensional‘material age’ ‘Kali-yug’ is behind you now, although you still carry its influences. The present 4th  dimension is only transition 'energy age’ ‘Dwapara-yug’, where you need to leave behind all that is useless and prepare you for your onward journey into a 5th dimension. This overlap is what you are experiencing. We have observed your immense growth. This is a T junction. The path to fear will spiral downward, consuming you in its corruption and fearful ways. We recommend you stay far away from that. The path to Love will be rocky, but there is Light at the end of the tunnel and if you can follow the guidelines we have listed below, you will keep afloat. We are with you, never doubt. Discard all excess baggage. To enjoy your journey, leave all fear and negativity behind. They attract unpleasantness and are incompatible with the frequencies you will encounter along the Love Path.

                Permit Contract: Your Unconditional LOVE, Generosity & Gratitude.
Basic needs are provided
Fuel required: LIGHT & LOVE
Fee: Kindness to All
Merit Bonuses: Measured against frequency of Light emitted

Remember, you are Beings of Light in Human form.  In your transition to higher frequencies, you are experiencing Transformation and Rebirth. Many of your beliefs and conditionings still lay in the past. It is time now to fully discard what is useless on the path to Love. Recent years began this process of discard yet much remains, particularly what is deeply rooted: fear; conditioning; attachments to essentially false beliefs and systems. The era of Good over Evil (duality on the material plane) was to allow you to understand the difference. If you have made false gods out of the darkness of ‘money and ego power’, this transition will be more difficult, but not impossible by following our guidance. We understand your weariness, but it has become imperative that events awaken you. We realize they have come to you shall we say, ‘at the speed of Light’?

You have reached the timeline of ancient predictions.Recall how you sneered at our warnings, but, as we predicted, you are here; and we don’t hold it against you. It was the material era that had you firmly in its grip, preventing true understanding. You have experienced the temptations of the gross world of separation and ego power; we hope you enjoyed the journey and can now discern what is good & true. We have been speaking to you for eons. Our repeated explanations through our many Masters, channels, mediums and ancient texts, pre-vedic and vedic Puranahs, old and new Testaments of the Bible, seers, poets and philosophers, were meant to bring understanding, not fear, of your current times. The viles poured down upon earth by the angels will continue until you are ready. What you call destruction and devastation is, to us, merely a Transformation and Rebirth to new and beautiful times. It won’t be easy, but it will be worth it. Your very own solar system is assisting, just as we promised, when we explained about the Saturn Pluto Conjunction in Capricorn this year. Major alignments are helping events to play out as they should. Be patient.

Your Solar System assists you on your Path of Love and Light.The effects of the Saturn Pluto Conjunction in Capricorn on January 12, of this year will remain throughout 2020. Capricorn a conservative sign (in the best sense) will demand perfection and Integrity.Saturn, the great Malefic, rules governance, law and order, policing, justice, money, finance, economics, food, water, electricity, rich & poor. You have witnessed exactly these areas come into scrutiny. They will be chief areas during this entire year.Pluto, as lord of the underworld, and transformation, has been dredging up all that is deeply hidden, revealing secrets untruths and dis-ease.
Pluto will then facilitate transformation, enabling you to create and rebirth anew.
These 2 planets in Capricorn mean business and will demand integrity and perfection.
Uranus, the great awakener and another key actor, uses the element of surprise in unexpected areas. He is assisting his two compatriots by creating events that will call those areas mentioned into focus.
Other planets are supporting to various degrees.
Jupiter, lord of abundance and philosophy will be constrained in his bounty to you, being kept in check by Capricorn’s caution. He will urge you to see things from the big picture.
This huge cosmic force has been planned for ages. So you see, we are sending you much assistance. We urge you to take full advantage of these energies, and most importantly, allow events to proceed as they must without your judgment, condemnation and fear. Your world will rock and shake you up. Negative reactions will make it much worse for you and beyond our scope of assistance. We repeat, only that which is of the light will sustain. Stand tall and still. Ride the Tsunami. Your prayers will help you to be still and help the process to be smoother.
Pluto will then facilitate transformation, enabling you to create and rebirth anew. These 2 planets in Capricorn mean business and will demand integrity and perfection.Uranus, the great awakener and another key actor, uses the element of surprise in unexpected areas. He is assisting his two compatriots by creating events that will call those areas mentioned into focus. Other planets are supporting to various degrees.Jupiter, lord of abundance and philosophy will be constrained in his bounty to you, being kept in check by Capricorn’s caution. He will urge you to see things from the big picture. This huge cosmic force has been planned for ages. So you see, we are sending you much assistance. We urge you to take full advantage of these energies, and most importantly, allow events to proceed as they must without your judgment, condemnation and fear. Your world will rock and shake you up. Negative reactions will make it much worse for you and beyond our scope of assistance. We repeat, only that which is of the light will sustain. Stand tall and still. Ride the Tsunami. Your prayers will help you to be still and help the process to be smoother.Pluto will then facilitate transformation, enabling you to create and rebirth anew. These 2 planets in Capricorn mean business and will demand integrity and perfection.Uranus, the great awakener and another key actor, uses the element of surprise in unexpected areas. He is assisting his two compatriots by creating events that will call those areas mentioned into focus. Other planets are supporting to various degrees.Jupiter, lord of abundance and philosophy will be constrained in his bounty to you, being kept in check by Capricorn’s caution. He will urge you to see things from the big picture. This huge cosmic force has been planned for ages. So you see, we are sending you much assistance. We urge you to take full advantage of these energies, and most importantly, allow events to proceed as they must without your judgment, condemnation and fear. Your world will rock and shake you up. Negative reactions will make it much worse for you and beyond our scope of assistance. We repeat, only that which is of the light will sustain. Stand tall and still. Ride the Tsunami. Your prayers will help you to be still and help the process to be smoother.

Take Responsibility: You have experienced many shocking things recently. More will occur and you will feel your life has changed on every level. We understand. Do not blame or judge another, especially those you believe are responsible for your current situation. Your own choices have enabled their power over you. They merely tapped into your weaknesses, winning you over. They fear your Light and it is this which makes them raise their ugly heads. Besides, there are those of the dark forces that have come to you in disguise, and others who themselves have been in the clutches of strong dark controls. Only a combined collective Light can break this hold. And we see that your are collectively doing so. Do not waver. We will support you but cannot do it alone. 

Catalysts along the way: We regret that the road ahead will initially be quite rocky as you still carry much fear and rigid beliefs. We promise you that, as these fall away, it will become smoother and prettier. Catalytic events like your COVID19 might appear suddenly. Merely keep to the Light, we are here with you, though sometimes in disguise, but do not doubt that you are Light. Be still and proceed. COVID19 is one of many forms of evil & fear manifest. Your response to it has been heartening to us, in seeing you all come together with such compassion. Many deaths will occur, though not all through the virus. In such time many Souls find their work and will exit. Others will do so to assist in other realms. Some will feel exhausted and fed up. And many will do so for your growth! You are not out of danger. Beware the evil of Fear. Your panic will create roadblocks for you. 

Being the Light: In the face of traumatic events: Take your earthly precautions but remember what we told you: Shine your Light brighter at such times and move peacefully. When you find yourself in the front lines, be strong and do what is called for, for the good of all. You will know what you must do. Do that. Some might not know how they may help. But by following our guidance they will be valuable assistants by increasing the Light quotient. Be wise and be generous. Always listen to your heart. This is a time to join forces. Collective Love is powerful. Whatever the events that shake your ‘world’ refrain from judgment, condemnation and mockery. Take only positive actions. Help others in need. Extend this help to all you are able to. Share, share, share all that you have. Nothing matters except what you give. Create solutions. We will be by your side. You do your part. Be Still. Breathe. BE. Be Love.

Surrender your Fears: Beloved, we urge you to surrender all your fears to us. The fear mechanism let loose on your planet, will bring much fear. Look at yours and see where it is arising from. No matter how scary events might seem, surrender; trust in the higher power that we are all as a collective, both in your realm and beyond. It is time to embrace your Spirit and renew your faith. Love is Spirits energy and language. Love is Spirit. No mortal on earth today has seen such times. It is only this which will have the power to overcome what awaits you. Surrender in Gratitude.

Your Light is brighter than you think: Look closely, you can glimpse it even now. It shines in the creative solutions you find. This is who you are. This ‘world,’ a construct of collective consciousness, is reflected in its systems and structures.

Watch your Thought – It can be your Friend, or Foe: Your thoughts create your reality, which reflect your level of consciousness, where it begins. Nothing appears ‘out of the blue’. Not even the corona virus. Ignorance and ego create vulnerability. Down the road, you will begin to realize just how wonderful your thought power can be, given your electro-magnetic energy. It will be your tool in creating exactly those things you find yourself in need of. But for that to happen, your mind must be clear of clutter.

Choose Wisely: You are at cross-roads of life altering choices. The path of Love leads to higher consciousness. That tempting path of fear is always wrapped in illusion but spirals downward. This choice was always there. Those before spoke extensively about it.

Love is your energy going forward: This is your greatest power. The more you give, the more powerful it will become. Through Love, you will receive all that you need and desire. In time, you will realize just how much. In times of scarcity, it is Love that will sustain you. In future times, it will be Love that powers your world. Through this your world will be radiant.

In Love, fear cannot exist; nor its manifestations. Love knows we are One extension of Source. Pure Love is Pure Light. Like the great sun, as you get nearer, you could burn. This is because your body is dense matter. In your current realm on Earth, frequencies have been low enough to tolerate density, to varying degrees. As your frequencies raise, density can no longer be tolerated. This is why so many in your realm today suffer physical ailments as your habits and patterns cause a conflict in frequencies. Moving into higher eras will raise them exponentially. Fear-based things, whether physical or subtle, will collapse, as will your corrupt structures and systems all. Your Earth is becoming Sacred and so must you. Only that which is of the Light will survive. 

Be Discerning of the Forks & Bends in the Road: We urge you to be aware of the many bends and forks in the road ahead. At times, you will come across forks that promise shortcuts or smoother pathways; some may claim to have repaired the road, but that will prove false. Be alert and be discerning. Not all that you meet are true and some will only serve you for short periods, ending at sheer cliffs; which you would surely wish to avoid. The true road may seem uphill at times, but if you follow the light, you will be safe and find your beautiful haven.  Look for the light! The road might enter tunnels at times, but if you look closely, you will always see the sliver of light at the end. And remember, the light is situated deep in your Heart. At times you might even encounter attractive & tempting opportunities, but watch out for these, as most come with clauses and conditions you would not like in the long term. They will only slow you down. Stay on the Path of Love and Light. You will know when you have found your true destination, for it will resonate deep within and offer all that you have been yearning for: justice, equality, oneness, true health, prosperity, transparency. Connect with it your Light. Nothing is as you thought it was. The truth shall be presented to you. But will you recognize it? Will you still give credence to the dark forces that tempt you down the garden path?

You are never alone. You might feel abandoned by those who do not choose your path. Do not allow you to deter you. They must walk theirs, you must walk yours. Be kind in your determination, but follow your heart.

You are ‘keepers of the Light’ on Earth: through your kindness, compassion, oneness, joy. You have all chosen to be here at this momentous time in Earth’s journey. Be the Light to those around you, helping them too to remember who they truly are. All judgment and condemnation must end. Together, ride the waves like surfers on a Tsunami. Heed our guidance, it will keep you afloat. Keep faith, even during the darkest times. Pray. Meditate. Look for the Light beyond.

Use your collective Light: You are all one. We are all one. We urge you to join hands and move through these times and beyond in a togetherness.The next few years will be challenging, but in time you will forget these days as you begin to see the beauty. Much later, another upheaval will occur before you enter the age of higher consciousness, mental and magnetism ‘Treta-yug’ in sixty years from now. What you are and what you think, you will attract, very much more that now! You are simply honing these skills now. Another two thousand years will herald a Golden age lasting ten thousand years. Be Still, Be One, Be Kind. Be in Gratitude, Be Love.

Wisdom from the Masters, as written in the Bhagvad Gita: "Fear Not. What is not real, never was and never will be.What is real, always was and cannot be destroyed." 

Blessings from The Cosmic and Inter-Galactic Masters.

In Love and Light, 



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