A Prayer for our World and Humanity


Wisdom has been given to us by God’s messengers over millennia. Today our world needs to re-connect with Spirit and the power of our Light. I share a prayer in the hope that others can find peace, solace and understanding, enlightening our world.

For 2020, which allowed me to prepare and learn more of who I AM, Thank You,

For the opportunities of growth that these times bring us, Thank You,

For the wisdom that can be gained from events, Thank You,

For the opportunities to open my Heart wide so that others may feel the love and open theirs, Thank You,

For the opportunity to forgive the mis-perceptions of others and myself, Thank You,

For the opportunity to shine my Light brighter, in recognition of Spirit within, Thank You,

For the opportunities to shed and let go of all that no longer serve my highest good, Thank You,

For the opportunity to Be the example by rising above, and being the Light, Thank You,

For the opportunity to share my compassion and love, Thank You,

For the understanding of a greater plan at work, Thank You,

For the reminder to go within and trust Spirit, Thank You,

For the courage to allow what must to be revealed and released, Thank You,

For the courage to be in my integrity and do what I can in every moment, Thank You,

For the opportunity to be always discerning and choose Light over dark forces, Thank You,

For the courage to allow destruction of the false and be the Light of the new, Thank You

For the wisdom and courage to be the change I wish to see, Thank You,

For all those who so courageously speak out in the pursuit of integrity and truth, Thank You,

For the gift of Light that allows me to dispel darkness, Thank You,

For all the assistance, seen and unseen, Thank You,

For the discernment to see God’s hand and presence, where He truly exists, Thank You!

I acknowledge and trust the perfection of Divine Process, that no matter what, shining my Light allows only Light to come back to me, to protect, lead and sustain me.

I ask only to be guided in how I may serve my community, nation, world and humanity, with the courage to do so.

May all that is Divine, be present in our midst, embracing all life in health, prosperity, freedom, peace and harmony, in a world on Oneness and Love.

May my Light flow constantly to all, showering blessings upon our world and beyond.


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