An Enlightening Time

As we entered December of 2020, the energies are so varied, and no matter how you personally 'see' the current situation in our world, from the bigger picture it is all playing out as it must. The entire month of December will be an unforgettable display of Cosmic activity: an enormous Grande Finale!

We entered the month a day after the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse and will now see a mid-month New Moon Solar Eclipse. Both will urge us to let go, let go, let go; bring into balance our yin-yang energies, and to open our eyes to what we have failed to see. Consciousness is shifting and with it so must we.

As the two heavy-weight planets Saturn and Jupiter leave their year-long positions in Capricorn, they will enter the sign of Aquarius as they move ever closer to their predicted conjunction on December 21, the winter solstice. If you look in the sky you should be able to see this through the end of the month. A most magnificent sight!

Then we have the magnificent event - the Solar Flash of December 21, 2020. What exactly is this? For those who have been aware of Humanity's steady shifts into higher consciousness over the past century and more rapidly within the past few decades, we have experienced several energetic mile-stones so to speak. One such was the event of December 21, 2012. This coming solstice takes us to a higher frequency of Light, thereby marking a turning point in awareness as well as energetic frequency. Human Beings world-wide will come face to face with what needs to be let go and simultaneously is able to access higher awareness and insight. The Journey to Oneness is clear and the path must be a chosen one.

What all this signifies for us, however, is Letting Go, Expanding our Vision, Mind-set, and Heart to embrace Change. Change on an enormous scale. However, this change is not perhaps anything like what you can imagine. This is a Paradigm Shift of enormous magnitude and we shall see events play out in all aspects of life. However, there are some Key Guidelines you can follow to lessen the turbulence and stay above the most difficult aspects. We have spoken about them before, for a long time now.

The next 4 years will bring opportunities for tremendous growth and beauty; however, these opportunities are there for us to realize. Each individual is responsible for creating their own reality - what we attend to, give our attention to, how we think and speak and act, will all determine what we attract and create. It is up to us, individually and collectively. We have a choice to do so or not. So make it work for you.

In a seemingly divided world, it is most important to be in Truth & Oneness, to come from the Heart. See the goodness and find it in all.


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