A beautiful time to be here on Earth! Amid all the ‘stuff’ going on, how amazing to be still and touch that inner wisdom which tells me ‘it’s all as it is meant to be’ ‘it’s all good’, for it is. Hearts and minds are opening everywhere. Even now, humanity hesitates to open up to love, ever cautious and conditional, we have held barriers firmly in place, judging first whether the other is worthy of our hearts.

Opportunities arrived, we selected whom to love, and after showering a bit here and there, went back to ‘life’, mostly forgetting the hidden lessons. Now, we are faced with a choice: Love Freely, Love Unconditionally, and Love ALL, if we wish to experience health, happiness, and prosperity. For it is so; Love and Love alone makes the world go round. Such a simple axiom. Why do we find it so challenging?

Having been steeped in an era of Materialism and Separation has left remnants and like glue, these need to be scrubbed off. And so, our beloved Universe sends us oh so many opportunities to ensure this; opportunities to see the Soul of each other and to forgive all and ourselves, and importantly, to let it all go! This recent portal has been another reminder to love fully; beginning with Self.


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