In Service to the LIGHT

Dear Ones,
We have spoken much about the 'where and what' of that which is occurring in this Earth world today and this message is tied into that completely. One cannot consider the concept of Oneness without attending to the aspect of Service. While adapting to the changing situations and times, more specifically, the changing frequencies, it is equally important to attend to concepts of Oneness and Service. They are completely inter-twined and one cannot consider one without the other.
Oneness is the ALL that is. All are One and One is ALL. This concept must be understood. All that IS, emanates from and is created by the same Source, and contained within this same consciousness. The energy formations, which are manifestations of thought, may differ depending on frequencies, conditions and purpose, but the essence consciousness remains One. In the 3rd dimension this is a difficult concept to absorb, but it is so, and becomes clearer as one attains higher frequency consciousness.
So, in ones 'individual' growth journey, it is necessary to first understand that All is Light and thus, each individual is also Light. A Light Being experiencing itself in one realm will have different experiences in another. Thus, those experiencing their Light in an Earth existence, will have unique environment and situations, quite different from those Light Beings experiencing their Light in perhaps Arcturus. However, both will be experiencing on a personal as well as collective level. And every experience is performed in Service to the LIGHT. From Light we come, through the Light we may 'live' & to Light we return while always in service to 'create' in the Light, for the Light, thus enhancing Light, forever increasing consciousness.
Thus, All are brothers and sisters in the Universes of the Cosmos, and, like family on Earth, one has unconditional love for them, assisting the other, and never abandoning them. And so all of humanity too is a family and so it is our duty as family, to care for each other, making sure none are wanting or hurting. We do this by opening our hearts freely and unconditionally. It is only thus humanity can create a beautiful world for itself when each Human Being is respected for their unique path and qualities while also being nourished and kept from harm's way. And just as you would wish for yourself to receive this love and care, you would also wish to be free to 'live your life'. So too do all. That is Unconditional Love and in this way we Serve one another. Today, when humanity is hurting, and Earth is hurting, it falls to each one to remember why we ARE.
The 3rd dimension, being a material plane, humanity was largely asleep to this understanding, but now while readying for the 5th dimension, it is essential awake and recall one's true Self and purpose. For no matter which field and in what manner one has chosen to Serve the Light, we ALL are in SERVICE. Everything we do, must ultimately hold benefit to those in our realm and only then can they also benefit ALL realms and ultimate Light. A simple example. unless a parent nourishes themselves, they are no good to their family, and unless a family is secure and living in harmony, the community suffers. Expand this further: unless the community is in harmony, the world suffers. So too across the galaxies. So too is the opposite true. When a parent feels content and balanced and loved, their families will feel this as well. And so on.
It is through Service that energy is exchanged optimally. This is what keeps the harmony and sustains Life, Creating on the Highest Level.
So my dears, Serve. Find small ways and big ways to serve, in whatever capacity you are able to. Every act of service need not be monumental, but give freely of yourself - the best of yourself. Smile. Inquire into another's well-being. Share food. Offer assistance. Share your home even if necessary.
It is Sharing that makes the world go round joyously for all. It is more important to Give than to Receive. Give freely, and from the heart, without hesitation and without expectation. It is these acts of giving that carry the most value.
Serving comes in many forms. That which is described above is but one form and possibly the most obvious.
So what are the subtle ways in which one serves? One serves by being true to oneself. This is the path each has chosen before embodiment, so being true also has many manifestations. Being true to Self is to always speak one's truth, live one's truth, walk one's truth. In short, listening to the inner guidance of the heart is where this truth is revealed. By doing this in every moment, one is fulfilling a promise to shine the Light in this manner. When each individual shines in their unique way, ultimately all the plan can be manifest. Often, this causes conflict or a ruffling of emotions. If it has come from an inner need to speak one's truth, it is meant to be and through this, all those involved in that particular situation will find the opportunity for growth.
One serves when one fulfills any part of one's plan for this path. Therefore, it is not the place of one individual to judge another for their actions for they alone know where they come from; whether inspired from the heart or driven from a lower, baser frequency. On occasion, a seemingly harsh or unpleasant act can be a wake up call. By judging it one loses the opportunity to rise above and grow from it, falling lower in frequency by falling prey to the darkness within. By withholding judgement, one allows the plan to unfold. These situations are brought by those precious souls who willingly play the role of a dark one. This is not to say that all dark deeds are thus. Not at all. But not only is one unaware of another's true impetus of such actions, but judgement is reserved for the Self, as discernment; for each Soul must come to that understanding themselves and until this occurs, the lesson is repeated. Do not forget that the role of the Mother, the Homemaker, is precious indeed and service rendered is far greater that humanity has valued. The role of nurturer in any area of one's world is service of the most precious. It is these individuals who receive this unconditional love and nurturing that go forth to become brighter lights, creating wonderful things. Humanity has been experiencing the imbalance and irreverence of this one lack. This is evident in so many areas: dis-ease, lack of self-worth, personal focus leading to dis-interest in the collective. Mostly, lack of trust in innate 'common sense'. 'Mother's know' is not an idle term. The elders of a community are the 'mothers and fathers' and their service is immeasurable.
It is in every breath of the individual that allows for a service to be rendered within that breath. The choice is with the individual.
In understanding the Universal Laws, one can comprehend further how Service is the essence of sustaining life at the highest level. For the act of service, is sharing one's Light energy freely, without question or doubt; just because it is the right thing to do. In this, and in accordance with the Laws, the individual receives back 10 Fold what they have given. Then, upon receiving this 10 Fold Light, if they can still continue to serve in each moment, the individual then has mastered the way of Light; to be a perpetual receiver, transformer and transmitter of the highest vibration of Light available to them in that moment.
This Mastery results in a perpetual knowingness that all one needs or requires, is already received. It enables the individual to harness increasing measures of Light that further enable them to operate at higher and higher frequencies. Each increment of frequencies offers greater access to Universal Mind and all that this encompasses.
At this time, when Humanity is transitioning into the 5th dimension, it is important for each individual to perfect being in the present moment of the positive and beautiful and using each such moment to serve in whichever way it is called upon by Spirit.
With Blessings from the Forces of Light,


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