there is LOVE and there is everything else


To understand the spiritual, ‘bigger picture’ of events today, brought to a new level by the Corona Virus, we must first know this: there is Love and then there is everything else; born of ego and fear. To some this will be familiar territory, to others, it may seem outlandish, but that matters little. Whether you are a ‘believer’ or not, we are all in this together and many are floundering. This world is at a crossroads, exploring ways to sustain us in the coming days, and a large component will be connecting with Spirit, in more ways than one. Whether you believe or not, I only ask that you read this and ponder the words. I hope it will bring you some understanding and peace, sharing tools that will work in the coming days. 

The world we are familiar with was one of duality, a ‘material age’, where we operated mostly through that plane to realize concepts of good and evil. We explored through the ego self and the physical. Yes, we created many beautiful and extraordinary things, but also set in place many that today have grown into virtual monsters in our lives. We saw wars and terror. Peace for many has become merely a hope. This is not where most of us wish to be, nor were we ever meant to be here. We are creators in essence but have collectively created stuff that can potentially destroy us – if we allow it. 

Having left that era, and while overlapping briefly, we are presently in a challenging transitory phase of the ‘energy age’, where attachments to past negative and faulty ways must be discarded now, fully releasing the residue of the material plane. Only then will we be able to sustain rapidly increasing frequencies, and develop our energies for the next, second most beautiful ‘age of higher consciousness and magnetism’ which humanity will reach in about 60 years from now. (Prior to that will come a second upheaval in preparation for the next plane). After two thousand years in this era of higher consciousness, humanity will experience a golden age for ten thousand years.

The challenges we face now and how rapidly we shift, will be in direct proportion to the damage we have created, in our physical world as well in our own baggage that we carry, and rigid beliefs, all false attachment. To survive this shift, we must first shed all; not merely the ego driven systems and fear, but our deeply conditioned mindsets. This too is a form of separation and cannot sustain the finer Light frequencies of the future. For, Love & Light sees all as One, and only what is true, serving the One will survive. Everything else will collapse. We are seeing this even now. These are unprecedented times no mortal being alive today has witnessed. We need to urgently remember who we are, Light beings of Love: Spirit.

Fortunately, we are not alone & have help, but we must participate in letting go. Our ancient texts & teachings across cultures, the old and new testaments of the Bible and the vedic Puranahs, Lord Krishna, great Masters, famous seers all, saw these times vividly, predicting with astonishing accuracy events and timelines. We are now living exactly their predictions. If you are awake today you cannot be ignorant of events. And if you desire a beautiful future, you will open your minds to all possibilities. That is how precarious our position is.

Our help comes from those beyond this realm in many forms. On this planet, Lightworkers have been set in place over the past 2 decades, trained and prepared to assist in this process. Our solar system has aligned to assist this monumental shift of Earth and our world. Although there have always lived amongst us wise and spiritual Souls, they were few. We have seen the increase in spiritual awareness as a movement in recent decades. Eclipses and alignments in recent years have prepared us for this, culminating on January 12, of this year a major Saturn Pluto Conjunction in Capricorn set the stage for serious action. 2020 is the year of great possibilities on a global level, if we allow the process and shift our thought, stay in our integrity, work for the good of all, and participate through shining Light. Destruction will take place in order for a subsequent transformation and rebirthAnd to rebirth, we must first die to the old. We are slipping into a new dimension of subtler and pure energies.

Key areas of focus during this year will be Saturn’s domain. As the Great Malefic, he rules government, law, order, policing, money, finance, electricity, water, food, rich, poor. Life changing catalytic events will occur to test the integrity & worthiness of these structures in serving the collective good. Only that which serves the good of all and is rooted in the Light, will survive; all else will collapse. We must allow this process to take place. 

Whether created through evil intent or not, COVID19 has become one such catalyst, possibly not the only one. Even as it kills, puts pressure on and tests the systems and structures mentioned above, it is also forcing us to see our fear & weaknesses bringing us together in addressing events collectively. Do not become complacent in the belief that this will be the only calamity, or an unrelated event. Pluto will focus on dredging up what is hidden, false and corrupt. As lord of the underworld, he will ensure they are revealed, and ultimately oversee the transformation of our world through its rebirthing. Events will come seemingly out of the blue. That is Uranus at work. The Great Awakener will strike in unexpected ways, by surprise; his signature. 

There will be great destruction, upheaval and many deaths. I do not deny that, and not all will be direct victims of the virus, but many from the aftermath and subsequent events. Souls will exit for a variety of reasons: they have either completed their work here; choose to help us from other realms; or are just fed up and weary. Many will do so to assist us in our growth. For those left to suffer their loss, who will comfort them if we cannot stay tall? Even as your lives hurl around, look for the good that is there. We are seeing everyday how this invisible-to-the-naked-eye virus is bringing increasing numbers together as never before, allowing the common good to become priority. Yes, there is good in our world and it too is being revealed.

Many will be out there on the field and in front lines; we don’t all have dramatic roles to play. But that mean we don’t have one. We all must be Light. No matter your role, keep your energies focused on the good of all. Where we are going, only that which is of the Light (pure and true) will survive. So, whatever hits us, we must collectively work for the good of all; calmly, without fear or panic. This cannot be emphasized enough. Detach from drama and judgment. Convert your fears into a positive force by providing solutions or providing comfort. Evil and fear can only win if we give in to them

Take responsibility for your lives. Strengthen your immune systems and refine your energies; it will serve well in coming days and years. Connect with spirit. There has been a spiritual void in the world, manifested in various ways. Return to who you are. Pray. Meditate. This brings calm and clarity. Be kind and share all that you have; it is worthless otherwise. Watch those thoughts, they create your reality and will do so more quickly in future. Explore creative solutions at every turn. Stay away from what brings you down. Surf the Tsunami waves; it is up to us to tip the scale in favor of LIGHT. When we fulfil our part, the universe will provide. Trust and surrender your worries. Be grateful. 
Hold a vision of an ideal shining world and BE the peace you wish to see. The world needs a collective Light force, to heal, move forward, and keep us safe. Your ticket to survival is your Light and all these emanations have super fine frequencies. By being in this space you will shine at those frequencies through your electro-magnetic energy field, healing yourself, and the world. So be constantly in gratitude; there is much to be grateful for. Bring joy to others, be grateful and embrace all as One. Smile! Enjoy your life. Staying in our Light is our contribution to a monumental shift. We will prove that Love can and does overcome. 

"Fear Not. What is not real, never was and never will be. What is real, always was and cannot be destroyed." Wisdom of the Bhagvad Gita (the Song of God).

In Love and Light,



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