Follow your Heart always

Follow your Heart always.

In everything you do, heed the whispering of your heart. The truth resides there and there alone. No matter what you hear from the outside or from your conditioned mind, run it through the integrity of your heart. Only then allow it to leave via your thought process. This is not about things now, but over time, which you have accepted as the truth and the only way to be. Then, you were made to believe that the power lies outside you. It lies Within.

Thoughts manifest in our world outside. As long as your thoughts arise out of fear or conditioning, you will see the manifestations of these in the situations you see. Go deep into the depths of you hearts in stillness and listen. That, my friends, is truth and only that must be the basis of your thought if you wish to create a beautiful world. The truth will never seek to make you fearful or dependent on another in any shape or form.

We are all creative energy. In these times, we are being called upon to tap into our purest and truest authentic self: integrity, oneness and love. Only this can rise up and overpower the fear and ugliness of our present world. Fear wants to keep you afraid and will do all in its capacity to do so. Many have deep-seated fears and insecurities; get help to work through these and convert that negative energy to something positive and beautiful.

What you focus on, you will create. So focus only on beautiful things, if you wish for a better world. Regurgitating negative, angry, fearful things only keep those alive. This is not about sides. It's not about blame or guilt or resignation even. It is about you taking control of that wealth of infinite power that you are and bringing that out into the world as a beautiful creation. We can all do this individually, to create little mini worlds for ourselves, but when we do it collectively, we will completely dis-empower forces that have kept us captive by our fear and beliefs of inequality, injustice, ill-health etc.

Be LIGHT. Be LOVE. It is ALL there is and it is a Mighty Force.


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